12.07 – Monday
10.00 – 10.30 Opening Session. Chair: Piotr Lorens
10.00 Official conference opening – Maros Finka
10.15 Virtual city tour of Gdańsk – Piotr Lorens
10.30 – 12.00 Keynote session 1. Chair: Maros Finka
10.30 Keynote presentation 1: Adapting planning - lessons from world planning congresses - Slawomir Ledwon, ISOCARP
11.00 Keynote presentation 2: Adapting planning: lessons from Global South – Hangwelani Magidimisha, UKZN Durban
11.30 Keynote presentation 3: Urban design by influencing and negotiation - London's experience – Agnieszka Zimnicka, London Borough of Tower Hamlets
12.00 – 13.30 Paper session 1 (paralel). Chair: Laura Verdelli
Rebeca Merino del Río: Tuscany’s and Puglia’s landscape plans: analysis of convergences with the territorialist theoretical methodology towards a proposal for structuring a landscape plan
Yaara Rosner-Manor, Yodan Rofe : Interfacing between simple and complex order - planning for the regularization and development of informal settlements and n
Giancarlo Cotella, Erblin Berisha: Promoting the sustainable urbanisation of European cities and regions. No one-size-fits-all.
Ivana Katurić, Ries van der Wouden, Mario Gregar: Trade-offs revealed: a sustainability assessment of urbanization modes
David Evers: Visualizing urbanization in 2050
Efstahios Boukouras: Adaptive Urban Design Tools: Space, Place and Mobility. Learnings from the Covid-19 Pandemic and the health sciences.
Georgia Gemenetzi: Custom-made spatial plans: what more we have learned for the Greek spatial planning system
Katrin Hofer, David Kaufmann: Actors, arenas and aims: A conceptual framework for participation
12.00 – 13.30 Paper session 2 (paralel). Chair: Izabela Mironowicz
Matina Kapsali, Evangelia Athanasiou: Planning through donations: elite actors shaping urban space in Athens
Georgia Pozoukidou, Theodora Istoriou: Discovering the essence of placemaking; a linguistic analysis approach
Ivana Katurić, Sven Simov, Mario Gregar, Paola Marinović: Adaptive planning in the City of Zagreb - Possible respond to effects of climate change?
Dahae Lee, Nele Scholten: Rethinking the provision and management of public space in welfare states - the case of Germany
Na Li, Steven Jige Quan: Defining Urban Form Typologies in Seoul: A Machine Learning Approach
Guzin Yeliz Kahya, Aynaz Lotfata: Integrating Multifunctionality Framework for Planning Emergency Open Public Spaces in High-Density Urban Areas: Lessons from COVID-19 Pandemic
Junhua Lu, Jinwei Hao, Jin Zhu: Pandemic-induced rural restructuring and gentrification in metropolitan suburbs and the challenges for local planning: Case study of Cenbu Village, Shanghai
14.00 – 15.30 Paper session 3 (paralel). Chair: Zeynep Enlil
Miriam de Oliveira Gonçalves, Cristina Cavaco, Joao Morais Mourato: WHEN EU SOFT PLANNING INITIATIVES MEET THE GROUND; The Implementation of CLLD (Community-Led Local Development) in Portugal
Ye Sun, Wei Lu, Peijin Sun: Evaluation of the Competitiveness of Cities in China's Coastal Areas: Taking Qingdao as an Example
Michael Wicki, Kathrin Hofer, David Kaufmann: Anywhere but here? Acceptance of housing developments in six metropolises
Hualuoye Yang, Declan Redmond: Fast-Track Planning and the Housing Crisis in Dublin
Yuanyue Zong: Tourism-orient Spatial Renewal Practices of Suburban Villages of Large Cities in China: Cases in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province
Sasha Tsenkova: Planning Inclusive Neighbourhoods: A Tale of Three Canadian Cities
Micael da Silva e Sousa: Modding Modern board games to plan with citizens
14.00 – 15.30 Paper session 4 (paralel). Chair: Justyna Martyniuk-Peczek
António Ferreira: Adaptive versus maladaptive planning – Contributions from worldview theory and critical innovation studies
Cecília Silva, Miguel Lopes, Ana Mélice Dias: The BooST Project: Jumpstarting bicycle use in starter cities
Jiyoon Song: Integration of climate measures into urban regeneration, the case of Seoul, South Korea
Elisavet Thoidou: Strategic Spatial Planning from a climate adaptation Perspective: The case of Nature Based Solutions
Ana Lia Leonel, Sandra Momm: Environmental Zoning Instruments in São Paulo Macro-metropolis, Brazil: Can they face climate change and social inequality?
Marilena Papageorgiou, Georgia Pozoukidou: Recent reformations of the planning system in Greece and the new tool of "SSDP": Pitfalls and prospects for the realization of Thessaloniki's International Fair (TIF) urban regeneration project
Tanja Herdt, Arend Jonkman: Spatial justice and the NIMBY effect: An analysis of urban densification debate in Switzerland and the Netherlands
16.00 – 17.30 AESOP Thematic Group on Regional Design special session – curated by Valeria Lingua
13.07 – Tuesday
10.00 – 11.00 Keynote presentations. Chair: Karolina Krosnicka
10.00 Keynote presentation 4: Adapting planning – a focus on urban resilience – Pedro Ressano Garcia, Laval University, Quebec
10.30 Keynote presentation 5: Adapting planning: in search for soft solutions – Lukasz Mikula, Adam Mickiewicz University Poznan
11.30 – 13.00 Paper session 5 (paralel). Chair: Zeynep Enlil
Qin Mengdi, Liu Guanpeng: Urban Resilience of Central Public Spaces, Taking Weimar as an Example
Barbara Vojvodikova: Students' readiness for participatory planning - experience of the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Ostrava
Brendan Williams: Integrating fiscal incentives in planning and urban development policies: Exploring the positive and negative role of incentives in urban regeneration and housing projects in Ireland
Thomas Dillinger, Hartmut Dumke, Daniel Youssef: The “Regional-Forge” for scaling upplanning and building culture to a regional level
Cristina Catalanotti: On which economies? Re-activation of urban spaces in Venice in between production and social value
Nora Warhuus Samuelsen, Ulla Higdem, Kjell Overvåg, Kristian Aasbrenn, Aksel Hagen: Politics and planning in areas with persistent population decline - presentation of an ongoing research project
Antonio José Salvador: Quito: the neighborhood as a place for development
11.30 – 13.00 Paper session 6 (paralel). Chair: Karolina Krosnicka
Malvina Apostolou: Soft planning - innovative practices
Toktam Ashnaiy, Seyed Abdolhadi Daneshpour: Mainstream Planning Vs Innovative Planning, Case Study: Mianabad Informal Settlement in Tehran, Iran
Ioannis Frangopoulos, Alexandra Makridou: Migrants - Refugees Camps: A diachronic Challenge for Spatial Planning & Social N.I.M.B.Y. as a claim of participatory planning from ‘bottom up’ approaches in Greece”
Katharina Frieling, Agnes Förster, Fee Thissen: Planning instrument IBA: Innovative practices under reflection
Georgia Gemenetzi, Nick Bogiazides: Public space in times of uncertainty: urban design solutions and practices
14.00 – 15.30 Paper session 7 (paralel). Chair: Zuzana Ladzianska
Christine Mady, Ceren Sezer: The process of public spaces for building spatial justice: Case studies from Lebanon
Maruša Goluža: Contested motorway planning: Confronting inclusionary practice and its impact on the legitimacy of decision-making process in Slovenia
Stefan Markus Müller: Station Districts and Institutional Transformation: The Salience of Informal Institutions in Planning Culture
Tariq Nassar, Ravid Peleg, Lobna A-Sanna, Ron Chen, Yaara Rosner-Manor: Place-Led -Development: Developing effective public spaces in Rahat - a Bedouin city in southern Israel
Klarissa Pica, Stefania Marini: Full voids as sparks of future
14.00 – 15.30 Paper session 8 (paralel). Chair: Łukasz Mikuła
Ye Sun, Wei Lu, Peijin Sun: Application of Isovist in Urban Design: Research on Urban Street Space Based on Visual Domain Analysis
Özlem Tepeli Türel, Başak Demireş Özkul: The Formation Of A Cultural Industry Cluster In Istanbul: The Case Of Tomtom Design Neighbourhood
Valentina Rossella Zucca: Schooling, inside and outside the enclosure. The "Tutti a iscol@" program in Sardinia seen as an experimental tool to involve young people in imagining the city.
Yan Li, Hongwu Du, Ceren Sezer: Sky gardens: The Role of Privately Owned Public Space in High-Rise Buildings Toward Sustainable Development-A Summary and Progress Report
Yan Li, Ceren Sezer, Christa Reichter, Hongwu Du: Emotion representation based visual features analysis of sky gardens in high-rise buildings
Ratka Čolić, Nataša Čolić, Omiljena Dželebdžić: Transformative potential of participatory planning in a post-socialist context of Serbia
14.07 – Wednesday
10.30 – 11.00 Keynote presentations. Chair: Piotr Lorens
10.30 Keynote presentation 6: Urban planning in the era of design – Krystyna Solarek, Warsaw University of Technology
11.30 – 13.00 Paper session 9 (paralel). Chair: Laura Verdelli
Skender Kosumi: Planning for Cities after Crisis
Surajit Chakravarty, Poonam Prakash: Reconciling Normative Goals with Everyday Planning Decisions: A Public Values Framework
Maria Symeonidi, Verena Elisabeth Balz: Island(s) of exception: Investigating spatial planning as an instrument advocating cooperation within contested territories in Cyprus.
Ludovica Gregori: Open space strategies from emergencies
Zuzana Ladzianska: Reawakening of city neighbourhoods since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic
Lucia Nucci: New design practices for an integral ecology
Marichela Sepe: New design practices for multiple risk places: toward more flexible and sustainable urban regeneration projects
Pelin Işik: Reading Public Space Through The Play Theory in Aachen
11.30 – 13.00 Paper session 10 (paralel). Chair: Magdalena Rembeza
Sina Shahab: Improving the Post Planning-Decision Process to Deliver High-Quality Developments
Fanny Augis: The adaptation of social housing infrastructure in shrinking cities: which challenges and solutions? Insights from the French context.
Jutta Hinterleitner: Connecting Design, Policy and Practice:Insights from a DutchUrban Design Studio
Sofia Borushkina, Anton Gorodnichev: Layering, embedding or ignoring: interaction of master planning with existing urban planning system in Russia
Somaiyeh Nasrollahzadeh, Kerem Koramaz: Simulation of residential mobility by agent-based modeling integrated with uncertainty in planning approach
Atousa Rizehbandi: Transformation of Planning practices within Milan Metropolis
Marion Roberts: Improving experiences of the urban night, post pandemic: what can urban design and planning contribute?
13.30 – 15.00 Paper session 11 (paralel). Chair: Sofia Morgado
Nina Svanda: Rethinking Planning - Spatial Planning Against the Climate Crisis
Dimitra Zouni: Lessons learned for adaptive planning from the response of the cities against the COVID-19 pandemic crisis: a survey of the city of Thessaloniki, Greece
Igor Matheus Santana-Chaves, Sandra Momm: Soft spaces and soft planning in the Global South context: The case of the Sao Paulo Macro-metropolis in Brazil
Charles Goode: Agonist Engagements and Lessons from Lukes: The Gap Between the Attempted and Effective Exercise of Power in Planning
Karabulut A.E., Özçevik Ö.: Rethinking the Sustainability of “Nature Conservation Areas” Context of the Climate Crisis, Environmental Justice and Governance Turkey Example
Kadriye Burcu Yavuz, Fahriye Yavaşoglu: 'Sea Snot' Plagues On Marmara Sea: A Discussion About Irremediable Environmental Consequences Of Urban Policies
13.30 – 15.00 Special session (parallel): Spatial Planning for Smart Sustainable Development in Greater Manchester, U.K. and Shenzhen, China – curated by Mee Kam Ng
Session participants: Ransford A. Acheampong, Mark Baker, Caglar Koksal, Cecilia Wong, Helen Zheng, Sylvia He, Chen Li, Yuanzhou Jonah Tang
13.30 – 15.00 Special session (parallel): AESOP Thematic Group Public Spaces and Urban Cultures' special session – curated by Patricia Aelbrecht and Ceren Sezer
Session participants:
- Josep Llorca-Bofí, Ceren Sezer: Urban realm, social resilience and soundscape. The case of Driescher Hof neighbourhood in Aachen, Germany
- Vikas Mehta: Unparalleled Prospect: COVID-19 and the expansion of public space
- Lakshmi Priya Rajendran, Nezhapi Delle Odeleye: Emergent spatialities in the peripheral informal public realm-A case study of Chennai in Indi
- Nastaran Peimani, Hesam Kamalipour: Urban Informality and the Design of Public Space
- Matej Nikšič: Improving Public Spaces of Remote Places - Community-Based Creative Practices
15.30 – 17.00 Special session: Former and Future AESOP Presidents – curated by Maros Finka
Session participants: representatives of Young Academics and former AESOP Presidents