Interested Authors and Roundtable Discussants are invited to submit an abstract and/or contribution proposal of a maximum of 300 words. Abstracts and /or contribution proposals should be sent to robert.orlik@pg.edu.pl not later than 11 June 2021. Authors and Roundtable Discussants are required to indicate in their submission:
- Author’s/Discussant full name(s) and Affiliation
- Targeted topic
- Targeted role (paper presentation and/or participation in the roundtable).
Authors will be notified about the abstract/contribution proposal acceptance/rejection by 18 June 2021. The accepted Authors and Roundtable Discussants will be requested to confirm their participation till 30 June 2021. The final conference program will be announced on 5 July 2021.
Authors of accepted papers are not required to submit the full papers. Since only the Book of Abstracts will be produced, the Authors are free to develop and publish their full papers at Their discretion. Although, the Authors of the selected papers will be required to develop and deliver a short 10-mins presentation in the .pdf and/or .ppt formats. These presentations will be delivered online. Each paper presentation will be followed by short feedback and Q&A session.