Rethinking the planning practices
Conference introduction
AESOP in partnership with the Faculty of Architecture, Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland, has the pleasure to invite You to the AESOP ONLINE SMALL FORMAT CONFERENCE, which will be held online only in-between July 12th and 14th, 2021. The conference theme is “Adapting Planning: Rethinking planning practices”.
The main purpose of the event is to discuss the issues in the transformation of planning practices responding to the contemporary social and economic challenges, influencing also the urban governance models. The scope of issues discussed will include the adaptation and evolution of planning practices from different geographical perspectives (global versus local), types of planning approaches (based on legislation and regulations versus created “ad hoc” concerning the local needs and challenges), issues in governance (top-down versus inclusive, bottom-up approaches) and scope of the planning interventions (comprehensive approaches versus design-based solutions). The conference program will include keynote presentations, paper sessions, and roundtables, focused on different issues within the scope of the conference topic. The special role will be given to AESOP Young Academics who will be invited to curate some of the sessions. The conference program will be complemented by the virtual tour of the City of Gdansk and the presentation of key upcoming development projects.