The conference program will allow two types of interventions:
- Regular paper presentations – the authors will be selected from the pool of abstracts submitted by the prospective authors
- Participation in thematic roundtables – the participants will be selected from the pool of interested candidates
The Authors and Contribution Proponents should consider submitting an abstract and /or contribution proposal on one of the following topics:
Adaptive planning – paper and contribution proposals submitted to this track should focus on the new inventions within the planning systems. Proposed papers may both deal with transformations of the entire planning systems and adaptation of these to the new needs and realities, and be focused on selected instruments and practices being an example of innovative, adaptive approaches to problem-solving in spatial development practice. Submission of paper and contribution proposals dealing with contemporary urban regeneration and transformation practices is especially encouraged.
Soft planning – innovative practices – paper and contribution proposals submitted to this track should be focused on non-statutory, informal planning practices and their roles in contemporary processes of shaping cities and regions. Proposed topics may include both presentations of success stories in inventing new, informal planning instruments, and discussions on the shortcomings of the existing planning systems and the needs of their improvements. Submission of paper and contribution proposals dealing with innovative practices of community and stakeholders involvement in spatial problem-solving is especially encouraged.
New design practices – paper and contribution proposals submitted to this track should be focused on the contemporary roles of urban design within the planning processes and practices as well as on innovative ways of including design practices in spatial problem-solving. Proposed topics may include issues in ensuring through design solutions the quality of life, discussions on interrelations between the planning and design solutions and social and economic enlivenment as well as reflections of the roles of design within contemporary transformation processes of distressed and development sites. Submission of paper and contribution proposals dealing with different scales of urban design and their roles in securing the high-quality urban environment is especially encouraged.