Aktualności | The Faculty of Architecture at the Gdańsk University of Technology

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Model stworzony na Wydziale Architektury

Research is of central importance to all our activities at the Faculty of Architecture. It gives us a sound background to teaching. It keeps us capable of responding to emerging challenges both in the local and global scale.


The academic staff of the Faculty of Architecture Gdańsk Tech is the winners of many architectural competitions and authors of great prestigious projects. Among others, it should be mentioned the building of the European Solidarity Center (Wojciech Targowski, PhD, Eng. Arch., Assoc. Prof., Prof. Antoni Taraszkiewicz, PhD, D.Sc. Eng. Arch., P. Mazur, Eng. Arch.) – first prize in an international competition, or the recently opened building of the Museum of the Second World War (Jacek Droszcz, Eng. Arch., Bazyli Domsta, PhD, Eng. Arch.

A graduate of the Faculty of Architecture wins national AIA Young Architects Award

Logo of the Faculty of Architecture Gdańsk Tech

A graduate of the Faculty of Architecture of the Gdańsk University of Technology and TMSR Design principal Dagmara Larsen wins national AIA Young Architects Award. In her nomination letter, AIA Minnesota president Karen Lu, AIA, NOMA, states: Over the past several years, Dagmara has become well known in our community as a champion for design excellence, particularly in the form of regenerative and inclusive design.

Detailed information here.

Success of the Graduate of the Faculty of Architecture at the Gdansk University of Technology

Awarded project authored by Karolina Jankowska

The 9th edition of the "Best ARCHITECTURE Diploma" ("Najlepszy Dyplom ARCHITEKTURA") competition, organized by the Architektura & Biznes magazine for the best student diplomas, has been resolved in December 2020. The competition was held for engineering and master's theses defended in 2018-2020 and the best four diplomas were selected from among the twelve nominated for the finals.

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