Aktualności | The Faculty of Architecture at the Gdańsk University of Technology

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Take care of your well-being!

poster, "hey, are you ok?"
Consultations with a psychologist, workshops on mediation and cultural differences, and even yoga and mindfulness classes - the project "Hey, are you OK?" addressed to students and employees of Gdańsk University of Technology starts in September. 

Gdańsk University of Technology has launched the project "Hey, are you OK?".


Edu-Project Croatia Competition

INSPIRELI offers architecture students from all over the world to participate in a completely unique educational project of a holiday resort in Croatia.

For the first time in our history, we will combine competition and education in a single project that, thanks to an enlightened developer, will not only allow students to be involved in shaping the final design, but most importantly to work with product and technology suppliers from design to implementation.

We hereby invite all students of the world to join us and learn by doing on the INSPIRELI AWARDS platform, which is open to all, regardless of their economic, social, or ethnic background.

Award of the Minister of Development and Technology for the best publication

winners of the prize photo
Our department has received an Award of the Minister of Development and Technology 2021 in the category of editorial publications.

"Enterpreneurship nests in a Polish edge city" - Author dr hab. inż. arch. Justyna Martyniuk- Pęczek, Prof. PG; Olga Martyniuk, PhD; Tomasz Parteka, Prof. Tomasz Parteka, PhD

The publication is the result of a research grant of the National Science Center developed at the Faculty of Architecture of PG. "Production of entrepreneurial nests in the Tri-City Metropolitan Area. Analysis of spatial-economic relations of the SME sector development" carried out under the agreement no. 2013/09/B/HS4/01175

Ministry of Economic Development and Technology PRIZE

winners of the competition photo
We would like to inform you that our Faculty received an Award of the Minister of Development and Technology 2021 in the category of doctoral dissertations for: Architecture in Extreme Environments. Polar Stations, the thesis supervisors were Dr. hab. A. Styszyńska, prof PG and Dr. hab. inż. arch. J. Martyniuk-Pęczek, prof. PG.

The dissertation defense entitled Architecture in Extreme Environments. Polar Stations took place on July 7, 2020. At that time also the RD Architecture and Urban Planning of the Gdansk University of Technology issued a decision to award the degree of doctor with distinction. The thesis supervisors were Dr. hab. A. Styszyńska, prof PG and Dr. hab. inż. arch. J. Martyniuk-Pęczek, prof. PG.

Promotion Group Recruitment

logo Faculty of Architecture

Dear Students

Faculty of Architecture at Gdansk Tech expands its’ activity in social medias. Therefore we announce a contest for Student of Architecture and Spatial Planning based on which we will establish a group of social media content creators. The team will work under supervision of PhD Arch Eng Magdalena Podwojewska, vice-dean for student affairs and Agata Stępień.


Theatre Architecture Competition

Competition Theatre Architecture

World Stage Design is delighted to announce the launch of The 11th OISTAT Theatre Architecture Competition 2022. This is an in­ternational ideas competition, aimed at students and emerg­ing architecture practitioners, and is organised by the Architecture Commission of OISTAT (International Organisation of Scenographers, The­atre Architects and Technicians).

"Antimask" of extreme emotions - the extraordinary work of students of Architecture on display in the Main Building

photos on the wall in the GUT main building
The extraordinary work of students of the Faculty of Architecture is displayed on the first floor of the Main Building of Gdańsk Tech. These are two photographic images, a kind of record of emotions from the time of the first waves of the Covid-19 pandemic and being isolated at home.

The originator of the artistic project is a sculptor, Paweł Sasin, MA from the Department of Visual Arts. It was him and professor Janusz Tkaczuk who faced the challenge of conducting online sculpture classes.

A graduate of the Faculty of Architecture winner of the 1st prize

Designers' Hub

In October 2021, the results of the 5th Baku International Architecture Award, organized by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Union of Architects of Azerbaijan (AMI) with the support of the International Union of Architects (UIA) were announced.The competition takes place every 2 years, and this year, 193 applications from 38 countries all over the world were submitted.

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