Prof. Olga Popovic Larsen
Olga Popovic Larsen is Professor of Material and Structures at the Institute for Architecture and Technology at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts School of Architecture in Copenhagen.
Architectural technology – a driver for design
Historically the technical aspects of Architecture have been a driver for new approaches opening up for opportunities that were not known or possible before. The developments in the knowledge and understanding of materials and structures offer new ways of conceptualizing and constructing architecture. The lecture aims to look at how technological advancements have influenced architecture. The lecture will include historical examples of cast iron, steel, wood and look at new materials as paper, composites, bio-composites, etc. Furthermore, minimal structures as tensegrities and reciprocal frames and approaches that lead to material saving, circular economy and sustainability will be presented. The lecture will show built examples and cutting-edge research in the field.

Prof. Lotte Bjerregaard Jensen
Lotte Bjerregaard Lensen is an Associate Professor at the Danish Technical Unversity in Copenhagen and programme leader for Architectural Engineering
Integrated design approaches
Historically architects and engineers stemmed from one profession – the master builder. The master builder was a person responsible both for the technical-engineering as well as the architectural and aesthetic aspects of a project. With the Industrial revolution and development of technical knowledge, the two professions separated, and some aspects of the design process were lost. The lecture presents interdisciplinary approaches to teaching where an engineer is involved in the design process early in the project. This approach has shown great qualities as the architects are able to bring informed decisions supported be technical-engineering knowledge, leading to better and more sustainable design strategies. The approaches of the teaching of integrated design are presented through examples of projects.

Prof. Toni Kotnik
Toni Kotnik is a Professor of Design of Structures at Aalto University, Finland
Interlocking Structural Systems
Structures explore the reciprocal relationships in structural systems made of numerous interlocking elements, the resulting non-hierarchical structural behavior as well as spatial qualities. Based on these aspects, there will be designed a contemplative space for the architecture department of Gdansk Technical University. The workshop aims at beginners in computational design and introduces the basics of parametric and performative design, digital fabrication and the set-up of efficient and flexible workflows.

Prof. Romolo Continenza
Romolo Continenza is a Retired Professor of Survey and Drawing at the Faculty/ Department of Civil, Building-Architecture and Environmental Engineering (DICEAA – Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Edile-Architettura e Ambientale) at the University of L’Aquila, Italy
Heritage Survey and Interpretation
It is impossible to make a good architectural, urban or archaeological survey without having acquired an in-depth knowledge of its history and of the environmental, economic, political and social events that determined its construction and use. During the years, indeed, these have been the elements that have made a mere artifact in a cultural event, deserving of being preserved to our children. Too often cultural heritage is not seen as an indispensable component of personal education but is instead considered a field reserved only to the specialists or to the enthusiasts of the theme. To the settlement of this behavior essentially contribute the ways in which the communication of the characteristics and values of these assets is made. The objects that today are considered an important part of the cultural heritage of mankind, in fact, have been created by man for man and, because of that, have fulfilled important functions of his life such as survival, living, establishing social relationships. These are the values leading us to carry out conservation, restoration and, sometimes, musealization. During the time pedagogical techniques for cultural heritage, education has been elaborated, based on knowledge, but also on the emotions and behaviors of all the possible groups of users, making the Heritage Interpretation an applied social science. This new way of conceiving the relationship between the user and cultural assets tends to strengthen the relationship between the aspects of everyday life and those of culture looking at the people’s progressive education, expanding the field of the users to a sector of society much broader than the specialists, the curious and passionate ones. The Heritage Interpretation, together with the well-known project instruments, is aimed at all users and age groups and extends its field of action from the written, graphics and photographic communication, to the training of operators specialized in this field, to the economic valorization of the assets.

Prof. Eva Vaništa Lazarević
Eva Vaništa Lazarević is a Full Professor of Urbanism and Urban Planning at Faculty of Architecture, the University of Belgrade (Univerzitet u Beogradu) in Serbia. She was engaged as Head of Department for Urbanism and Urban planning at Faculty of Architecture, Member of City Council Commission for Urbanism of Belgrade and Councilor for Architecture and Urbanism at Ministry for Urbanism, Planning and Environment of Serbia.
Urban and architectural renewal of the European cities
The different teaching activities in terms of history and theory of urban planning are focused on the problem of urban renewal, regeneration and reconstruction of the degraded area in the European cities, with particular emphasis on the context of the Balkan cities of the former Yugoslavia. In this context, Belgrade city will be presented as the case study. The teaching programme will also include the topics connected with urban mega projects and megastructures in post-socialist countries and the procedures of urban and architectural development from the urban planning to the implementation, and the problems of creating open and public spaces. The interest in the issues of urban renewal and urban development will also be helpful during the urban design studios, in which students undertake different topics connected with Gdansk area.