Date added: 2024-05-27
Roger Narboni and Niko Gentile - open lectures

Two views on day and night lighting in cities - Roger Narboni and Niko Gentile - open lectures
Everyone interested in the topic is warmly invited to attend a seminar on June 3rd.
These unique open lectures will be given by two world-class experts in urban lighting - Roger Narboni and Niko Gentile.
Monday, 3 June, Hydromechanics Building, Creative Room:
10.30 - 11.15 - Roger Narboni - The future of city nights: how to decarbonise the public lighting?
10.15 - 12.00 - Niko Gentile - Negotiating Daylight
Roger Narboni, a French lighting designer, introduced the concept of Luminous Urbanism in 1987 and founded the lighting design studio CONCEPTO near Paris in 1988. With more than 30 years of experience, he has realised more than 130 lighting plans worldwide. Narboni is known for his expertise in urban lighting planning and lighting strategies for cities.
Niko Gentile, assistant professor at Lund University, is an expert in lighting and daylighting. He combines technical and observational assessments, drawing on building physics, environmental psychology and architecture. His research concerns the evaluation of lighting systems from a user needs perspective. He is co-author of the book Daylighting and Lighting under a Nordic Sky
Exhibition - Sketches on the Square