Bachelor’s degree and Master’s degree studies
Bachelor’s degree (first degree) studies
Professional title – “inżynier architect” (inż. arch.)
Bachelor’s degree studies end with the defence of a diploma project which is carried out during the 7th semester (see Table 3) and the final Bachelor’s examination.
Graduate’s profile
Graduates acquire knowledge of the history and theory of architecture and urban planning, visual arts, building and building technology, the construction and physics of buildings as well as architectural and urban design. They are familiarised with technical and building regulations as well as the methods of organising and carrying out investments. They attain the ability to gather information and develop environments that are suitable to human needs – taking into account the disabled – as well as meet aesthetic, functional and technical requirements.
Bachelor’s degree graduates are familiarised with the building law, economics, investment procedures and designing processes, both within the country and in other European Union states, and also learn foreign languages up to at least B2 level in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
Graduate employment prospects
Bachelor’s degree graduates are qualified to take up professional employment: - in the execution and supervision of construction work, - as assistant architects in the design of buildings and their surroundings as well as in urban planning.
Graduates are also entitled to take up Master’s degree (second degree) studies.
Master’s degree (second degree) studies
Professional title – “magister inżynier architect” (mgr inż. arch.)
Master’s degree studies are completed with a diploma project which is carried out during the third semester and the Master’s degree studies final Master’s examination.
Graduate profile
Graduates acquire knowledge and skills in the fields of: architectural design, urban planning, conservation, spatial and regional planning, the history and theory of architecture, the theory of urban planning, fine arts, technical sciences and the humanities. They attain understanding of the relationships between people and buildings and between buildings and their environmens. Graduates, learn to apply architectural design procedures that take into account social factors. They are able to solve the technical, structural and engineering problems of construction and functionality in a way that ensures both the safety and comfort of users, including disabled persons. Graduates acquire adequate knowledge of appropriate technical and economic regulations and procedures, including organisation of investment and design processes. They are able to translate design concepts into buildings and integrate them into overall planning in both domestic and European Union conditions. Finally, graduates should be aware of the profession’s ethical code.
Graduate employment prospects
Graduates are prepared to undertake professional creative work within the scope of architectural design and urban planning. They have the legal right to work independently as architects in the design of buildings and the supervision of construction work. They are entitled to coordinate the work of various design teams as well as manage architectural design and urban planning practices. They the have right to set up their own businesses and also to undertake research work. Graduates are qualified for employment in: architectural and urban planning design practices, local government and state administration units, institutes and research and development centres as well as consultancies. Graduates are also qualified to continue their education and undertake Doctoral degree (third degree) studies.