Call for Papers and Contributions
A call is made for research papers and other relevant contributions, such as posters and workshops, as well as other innovative activities. It is expected that the proposed Conference contributions will address the topics mentioned above and/or other topics and contributions relevant to the Conference aims and objectives.
Prospective authors should submit an abstract of 250-350 words, in English, outlining the aims, content and conclusions of their papers and other contributions. The abstract should include the title of the paper, authors’ names, affiliations, mailing addresses, e-mail address and telephone. Authors’ contributions (in form of research articles) will be printed after the Conference, with soft editing, language correction and formatting. The authors must present their papers or carry out intended activities personally, as their contributions will not be included in the Conference publication unless delivered.
Invited Special Sessions
A number of well-known local and international experts will be invited to address the Conference on key issues of engineering and technology education. Sessions will be structured to encourage useful discussion and it is intended that such discussion will be summarised towards the end of the Conference.
Proposals for the arrangement of invited sessions are welcome. These sessions are expected to address topical issues on engineering and technology education. Each proposal should include the names and affiliations of authors, as well as the abstracts of their papers. Proposals are also invited for the organisation of panel discussion sessions. Each proposal should include the names and brief résumés of the panellists. There is also room for innovative formats, permitting flexible arrangements for poster sessions, group discussions and interaction, demonstrations, etc. Any institution or individual interested in conducting such an activity should contact the Conference Chairman.
Conference Publication
It is envisaged that high quality papers presented at the Conference will be published in the World Transactions on Engineering and Technology Education (WTE&TE) and/or the Global Journal of Engineering Education (GJEE) after the Conference, subject to positive referees’ reports, satisfactory editorial assessment and the presentation at the Conference. Potential contributors should note that the final decision as to the acceptance of papers for inclusion in the WIETE journals is made by the Editor-in-Chief. An individual participant can only propose one research paper contribution to the Conference.
Authors of the papers accepted to be published in the WIETE journals, when notified, will pay the paper publication fee of $A1000 directly to the WIETE account.
Conference contributors should note the following deadlines:
Receipt of papers/proposals (abstract): 1 March 2025
Notification of acceptance: 15 March 2025
Preliminary Programme circulated: 1 April 2025
Receipt of final manuscripts: 15 April - 31 August 2025
Acceptance of contributions notified: 1 May 2025