Data dodania: 2024-09-19
Architectural Project, Urban Project, Elective project (for 3th and 5th semester)
Schedule for Elective Project:
schedule - elective project II Bachelor.pdf (pdf, 424.02kB)Elective project II (5th semester) - ATTENTION - one of the offers was changed!
offer ELECTIVE PROJECT II daylight sem 5 sem 30 h EN 2425.pdf (pdf, 148.76kB) offer ELECTIVE PROJECT II sem 5 M. Gawdzik.pdf (pdf, 10.99MB) offer ELECTIVE PROJECT II sem 5 N. Hassas.pdf (pdf, 833.74kB)Schedule - Arch. proj., Urban design:
schedule Arch. Urban proj Bachelor.pdf (pdf, 434.57kB)Architectural project III (3th semester)
offer Architectural Project III A. Szuta.pdf (pdf, 590.35kB) offer Architectural Project III K. Życzkowska.pdf (pdf, 699.41kB) offer Architectural Project III N. Hassas.pdf (pdf, 730.18kB)Architectural Project V (5th semester)
offer Architectural Project V HOTEL - D. Sędzicki.pdf (pdf, 790.46kB) offer Architectural Project V Student Dormitory - J. Cudzik.pdf (pdf, 550.92kB)Urban Design and Planning Project III (5th semester)
offer Urban design III J.Martyniuk-Pęczek, J.Breś.pdf (pdf, 176.73kB)(the choice of lecturer within the offer above)
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