Shelter prototypes built by our students seeking answers to global crisis | The Faculty of Architecture at the Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2023-05-23

Shelter prototypes built by our students seeking answers to global crisis

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Our fourth-semester architecture students were challenged to build 4 temporary shelters in 10 hours that would serve in a given crisis. Each project has its own unique story, spirit, and innovation.

The students acknowledged that they feel deeply involved in humanitarian crises on a global scale and complex issues around the globe, which encouraged them to take responsibility towards humanity and realize the power of architecture noting how architecture can truly be a powerful tool in serving populations in the midst of poverty and crisis.

Students considered different aspects of their design process. They intended to design temporary shelters that respond to the performance of climatic conditions in maintaining the comfort of the displaced people. Considering the impact of climate change on our environment, therefore they have chosen to build with sustainable materials such as corrugated cardboard, cardboard tubes, and wood that can be recycled, reused, and reset. Also, they reflect on the needs of the local culture and the vulnerabilities and capacities of the affected community.

The workshop was an open event, which provided an opportunity for volunteers and locals to participate in the design process to ensure social and cultural awareness.

Students say: "Perhaps in such cases, we should be humble and not arrogant in design, far from a desire to create on our own with an artistic approach. Let's put ego aside and create something out of very little" Perhaps this was one of the main takeaway messages from the workshop.

The results of the project will be presented in the form of posters and two prototypes will be reconstructed on our campus - Faculty of Architecture during the Baltycki Festiwal Nauki event from 25 to 28 May.

Teachers: arch. Michał Podgórczyk, mgr inż. arch. Bahaa Bou Kalfoni, dr inż. arch. Gabriela Rembarz

Special thanks go to the partner

Muzeum Narodowe w Gdańsku, Oddział Etnografii

and sponsors


Olivia Business Center

Bistro Cysteria

more information on the project you can read here

pictures Bahaa Bou Kalfouni and PhD Gabriela Rembarz