Spatial Development Recruitment, second degree studies | The Faculty of Architecture at the Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2023-01-25

Spatial Development Recruitment, second degree studies

Dear all on 22nd of February 2023 studies will be started by Spatial Development students on second degree studies (both in Polish and English). We are more happy to invite all willing to study persons to participate in the recruitment.


Our alumni are employees of urban design offices (both private and public as well as both in Poland and abroad), in public administration on all levels (local, regional, country, european), advise invetment banks, real estate companies, local communities, NGO organisations and society. The students are also prepared to work in insitutions of European Union.

The studies are conducted in two specialisations:

Both prepare students to active shaping of spaces as well as intervention in critical situations. The academic staff are professionals who also invite invite specialists with various expirience who gladly share their expirience with students.

At studies conducted in English study people from various places on earth what is an expectional chance for a dialogue on different needs and solutions all around the world.