Results of Student Architectural and Urban Planning Competitions announced | The Faculty of Architecture at the Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2025-03-18

Results of Student Architectural and Urban Planning Competitions announced

Results of Student Architectural and Urban Planning Competitions announced
On March 6th, the results of three architectural and urban design competitions for students of the Faculty of Architecture at Gdańsk University of Technology were announced in the Main Building of the university.

These were the latest competitions organized by the City of Gdańsk in collaboration with the Faculty of Architecture. Present at the announcement were representatives from the city: Emilia Lodzińska, Deputy Mayor of Gdańsk for spatial development and housing, and the architect of the City of Gdańsk, Prof. Piotr Lorens. Gdańsk University of Technology was represented by the Rector, Prof. Krzysztof Wilde, and the Vice-Dean for Education and Studies Programmes, Ph.D., D.Sc. Eng. Arch. Magdalena Podwojewska.

The participants were tasked with developing concepts for three areas: a new zone at the intersection of the Gdańsk University of Technology campus and the residential-service development of Upper Wrzeszcz, the Kliniczna Junction, and the waterfront of the New Port.

Węzeł Kliniczna – New Urban Space

The competition’s objective was to develop a concept for the redevelopment of the current transport hub in the context of the planned removal of the grade-separated solution and the creation of a new metropolitan transfer hub.

14 project teams participated in the competition. The jury was composed of:

  • Arch. Irena Grzywacz
  • Ph.D., D.Sc. Eng. Arch. Karolina Krośnicka
  • Prof. Arch. Piotr Lorens
  • Arch. Paweł Majkusiak
  • Prof. Arch. Antoni Taraszkiewicz (Chairman of the Jury)

The following awards were given:

1st Prize
Work no. 3 "Brama do Wrzeszcza"

Team: Paulina Jesionowska, Dawid Grabski, Konrad Jasiewicz

2nd Prize (ex aequo)
Work no. 6

Team: Anna Białowska, Olga Tarnacka, Joanna Zajączkowska

2nd Prize (ex aequo)
Work no. 11

Team: Juliusz Adamowicz, Tymoteusz Gzela, Maciej Hirsz

3rd Prize (ex aequo)
Work no. 8

Team: Emilia Przybysz, Piotr Warżała, Olga Wiszniewska

3rd Prize (ex aequo)
Work no. 10

Team: Sandra Arim, Aleksandra Czyżewska, Karolina Bieńkowska, Gabriela Wysocka

All submitted works can be viewed on the City of Gdańsk website.

Waterfront of the New Port

The competition focused on port areas at the mouth of the Dead Vistula River in the New Port district, aiming to present a new vision for the waterfront as an attractive and accessible multifunctional space, harmoniously integrated with the waterfront character of the location.

The jury consisted of:

  • Dr. Arch. Tomasz Konior
  • Prof. Arch. Piotr Lorens
  • Ph.D., D.Sc. Eng. Arch. Magdalena Rembeza
  • Ph.D., D.Sc. Eng. Arch. Magdalena Podwojewska (Chairwoman of the Jury)

The following awards were given:

No 1st Prize was awarded.

2nd Prize (ex aequo)
"New H"

Team: Sabina Barczyk, Gabriela Cichy, Beniamin Hejden, Karol Adamowicz

2nd Prize (ex aequo)
"Scandi Gate"

Team: Maria Ławrenow, Kornelia Krajdocha, Artemii Verbov

3rd Prize (ex aequo)
Team: Dominika Czyrnek, Natalia Noszczak, Mateusz Łańcucki

3rd Prize (ex aequo)

Team: Hanna Skoworotko, Anna Pachaly, Aleksander Wyczyński, Anna Suchecka

All submitted works can be viewed on the City of Gdańsk website.

Gdańsk University of Technology Green Gate

The competition aimed to develop a concept for the new zone at the intersection of the Gdańsk University of Technology campus and the residential-service development of Upper Wrzeszcz.

12 project teams participated in the competition. The jury was composed of:

  • Arch. Marta Gibczyńska
  • Arch. Irena Grzywacz
  • Prof. Arch. Piotr Lorens
  • Prof. Arch. Wojciech Targowski (Chairman of the Jury)
  • Prof. Arch. Katarzyna Zielonko-Jung

The following awards were given:

1st Prize (ex aequo)
Work no. 4 "Tkanka innowacji"

Team: Wiktoria Szepeta, Stanisław Sudnowski

1st Prize (ex aequo)
Work no. 5 "Przebudzenie"

Team: Paulina Slas, Magdalena Witkowska

2nd Prize
Work no. 11 "Trójkąt innowacji"

Team: Michał Glapiak, Jarosław Grzeszczyk

3rd Prize
Work no. 3 "Studzienka powiązań"

Team: Alekssandra Krupa, Julia Lupa

Honorable Mention
Work no. 9 " Przystanek Lapidarium"

Team: Julia Ciurzyńska, Joanna Laskowska

All submitted works can be viewed on the City of Gdańsk website.

The competition works can be viewed in the hall in front of the library in the Main Building according to the following schedule:

GREEN GATE OF THE CAMPUS — March 10-14, 2025
WATERFRONT OF THE NEW PORT — April 14-18, 2025

Congratulations to all the winners!