Doctoral thesis defences announcement | The Faculty of Architecture at the Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2024-11-28

Doctoral thesis defences announcement

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The Scientific Discipline Board of Architecture and Urban Planning at Gdańsk University of Technology are pleased to announce the public defenses of the doctoral dissertations at our Faculty.

The defenses will take place on following days:

On 9th of December

The defense of Ms. MSc Eng. Arch. Dorota Wiśniewska’s dissertation titled „Utilisation of proxemics in planning process of public space revitalisation” will take place at 2 PM in room 311 of the Main Building. The supervisor of the dissertation is Prof. D.Sc. PhD Eng. Arch. Piotr Lorens.

On 10th of December

The defense of Mr. MSc Eng. Arch. Adam Bladowski’s dissertation titled „Developing VR Technology Tools for Lighting Research in Architecture in Compliance With Daylight Recommendations From the Standard EN 17037” will take place at 10 AM in the conference room of the Hydromechanics building (Building No. 11). The supervisor of the dissertation DSc. PhD Eng. Arch. Justyna Martynik-Pęczek, Prof. at Gdańsk Tech. and the co-supervisor is PhD Eng. Arch. Grzegorz Pęczek.

The defense of Ms. MSc Eng. Arch. Julia Kurek’s dissertation titled „The importance of planning and design perspective in a process of just Energy transition” will take place at 1 PM in the conference room of the Hydromechanics building (Building No. 11). The supervisor of the dissertation DSc. PhD Eng. Arch. Justyna Martynik-Pęczek, Prof. at Gdańsk Tech.

The dissertations are available at the Main Library of Gdańsk University of Technology and on the university's BIP website.