Date added: 2024-07-08
ScienceCom 2024

We invite students to the next edition of the ScienceCom event, which will take place for the sixth time at the Experyment Science Centre in Gdynia. The event will be held on November 29-30, 2024.
This year, ScienceCom will focus on the following UN Sustainable Development Goals:
- Clean and affordable energy (goal 7)
- Innovation, industry, infrastructure (goal 9)
- Sustainable cities and communities (goal 11)
- Climate action (goal 13)
As part of ScienceCom, free training for students will take place in November. More detailed information will be available closer to the event date.
Event Structure:
Scientific Conference – November 29 (Friday)
Each student can submit their participation in the conference and present their research. Submissions will be accepted within three thematic panels: humanities, natural sciences, technical sciences. There will also be a poster session. After the conference, an abstract book will be published. Detailed information and the submission form will be available closer to the event date.
Science Festival – November 29-30 (Friday and Saturday)
During the festival, scientific clubs from Tricity universities will present their work. Each exhibitor will have their own stand at CN Experyment exhibitions where they can conduct experiments and present their projects. On Saturday (November 30), four scientific clubs will be able to conduct a scientific show on the Experyment stage. Information about submissions will be available later. Exhibitor registration will be open from October 10 to November 10 through a submission form (link will be sent in October). Due to increasing interest, there will be a limit on exhibitors - first come, first served.
Expert Panel for Scientists
On Friday, November 29, after the Science Festival, a panel on science communication for students and scientists will be held.
Detailed information about ScienceCom will be available at Questions about the Science Festival? Email:
Scientific Council Members:
- Dr. Agnieszka Anielska | Medical University of Gdańsk
- Dr. Patrycja Bałdys | Naval Academy
- Dr. Eng. Damian Bisewski | Maritime University of Gdynia
- Dr. hab. Burska | University of Gdańsk
- Dr. Joanna Dąbal | University of Gdańsk
- Dr. Wojciech Glac | University of Gdańsk
- Dr. hab. Romana Kadzikowska-Wrzosek | SWPS University Sopot
- Dr. Tomasz Kijewski | Institute of Oceanology Polish Academy of Sciences
- Dr. Małgorzata Śmiałek-Telega | Gdańsk University of Technology
- Prof. Dr. hab. Adriana Zaleska-Medynska | Fahrenheit University Association
Exhibition - Sketches on the Square