Architectural education is related to knowledge on architectural heritage which is essential for mindful architects. At I degree studies the Department conducts two courses (each takes two semesters) on history of western and Polish architecture from antiquity  to 19th century. What's more staff of the Department conduucts one semester courses on modern architecture and inventory practice - which are practical additions of knowledge in field of traditional building techniques.

Knowledge gained at I degree studies is a substructure for the students to the continuation of studies on theory and practice in field of conservation. During II degree studies the Deparments conducts courses on conservation, conservation project and diploma theses on Architecture course. We also conduct diploma consultations in fields of history of architecture and monuments' conservation. Graduates of our Deprtments in past years have received many important national and international prizes: SARP's Zbyszek Zawistowski prize, LafargeHolcim Award as well as PKN ICOMOS' Jan Zachwatowicz prize.