Once you arrive and settle in Gdańsk what you should do next?

First things first

Upon your arrival schedule an appointment at the Faculty's International Office via booking system. If you have an arrival certificate please leave it at the Office for signation. The first visit at the office is very important and the sooner you schedule it the better. First of all date of the visit is considered date of your arrival at Gdańsk Tech. Secondly once the faculty's international relations office knows that you are physically at Gdańsk Tech you can be addes to our on-line MojaPG system, your student number is issued and you can proceed with further formalities.

Student Number and Student ID

Only students who arrive physically in the Faculty's International Office can receive student number and access to MojaPG as well as e-learning platform. Once a student has a student number they receive an e-mail with an information that they can create an account in MojaPG - instruction here. Once the account is created the student has an access to:

  • list of classes they are enrolled into
  • grades for each subjects at the end of semester
  • e-learning platform (eNauczanie)
  • library account
  • application for Student ID
  • application for certificates

It's important to have a student ID issued in order to do this please read an instruction first: how to apply for student ID

Changes in Learning Agreement

Once your arrive you have one month from begining of semester to introduce changes in your Learning Agreement by filling a document called Learning Agreement During. There are various reasons for changing chosen subjects, like overlapping classes, in such case student has to make changes. Deadlines for changes are:

  • 30th of October for fall semester
  • 20th of March for spring semester

If you stay an entire Academic year you introduce your changes twice - once for each semester.