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Erasmus+ Scholarship

All Erasmus+ Scholarship Rules for qualification at the Faculty of Architecture, necessary documentation and the settlement of the Erasmus+ grant can be found at Recruitment and Settlement Rules bookmarks.

Each student can go on Erasmus+ mobility once in one cycle of studies, that is, one time at the undergraduate level, one time at postgraduate studies and one time at doctoral studies.

The maximum time for the Erasmus+ mobility at one cycle of studies is 12 months (including practice).

All persons interested in the mobility may search for more information on the international cooperation web page (DMWA). We also offer consultations in terms of Erasmus+ and Partner Countries grants in room 313 at Main Building of Faculty of Architecture Gdańsk Tech.

Duration of Scholaship

The scholarship lasts no longer than one academic year (one or two semesters) and allows for the continuation of studies at the home institution without interruption during the study period. Outgoing students for one semester (winter) in justified cases, may extend their scholarship for the next semester. In such case, the consent of the home and  partner university is required to change the predetermined period of stay

Subjects Evaluation

The student is obliged to obtain the minimum of 30 ECTS credits per semester at his/her home institution. Subjects included in the partner university programme shall not differ from the curriculum at the Faculty of Architecture Gdańsk Tech in a given semester. 

In addition, after returning to the home university a student has to obtain the same number of credits from the courses set at the mobility under the program at our Faculty. If the appropriate subject replacement was not achieved in the curriculum at partner university, it is the object covered by the programme differences arising from the standards of education at Polish university, in this case at Gdańsk Tech.

The qualification procedure is not open to students from the second year of study and diploma semesters.

Erasmus+ admission rules at Faculty of Architecture Gdańsk Tech:

  1. The qualification takes place on a competitive basis. Eligibility criteria:
    • average grade of studies (the most important),
    • knowledge of foreign languages (including, in particular, the language corresponding to the partner university),
    • student activities, in particular Erasmus+ involment, etc.
  2. Either the applying students, or the leaving one, may not have any arrears in education.
  3. The admission for Erasmus+ mobility is done by the qualifying committee, which consists of the:
    • Vice Dean for Education at Faculty of Architecture Gdańsk Tech,
    • the Erasmus+ Coordinator at FA Gdańsk Tech,
    • a student representative of the ESN or WRS organizations.
  4. Classification is held once a year at the beginning of the summer semester (late March and April of each year).
  5. The basis of the pre-qualification is to fill in the online application letter or write the cover letters in English or other foreign languages to partner universities, and submit them signed to the Dean's Office (room 313 in Main Building) within a given period of recruitment time.
  6. In the next stage, the declared language skills may be verified. Most often, this is done in the form of conversations conducted by the lecturer from the Language Center of Gdańsk Tech or by an authorized person designated by the Dean of the faculty.
  7. Before leaving, we carry out a second verification confirming that the candidates meet the required criteria.
  8. The student has the right to submit three preferences for the universities in which he/she wants to study within the framework of the Erasmus+ programme. Students who initiated a bilateral agreement with a new partner university or otherwise contributed to the signing of the contract have priority in qualifications for Erasmus+ mobility and in the choice of the university, after having fulfilled the basic criteria (no arrears in education).
  9. Students after first year degree can apply for Erasmus+ scholarship for semesters 5 and 6, and students after their first semester of postgraduate studies can apply for the second semester of Erasmus mobility.
  10. The Commission has the right to grant a particular student to the upper semesters upon their individual decision.
  11. Student choosing universities in the application form is obliged to check the previously applicable education systems and curriculum of these universities.
  12. Announcement of the results and the mandatory meeting with the candidates will take place in the end of March or beginning of April 2017.
Crediting rules at faculty of architecture Gdańsk Tech for the outgoing Erasmus+ students

Before starting the Erasmus+ mobility, student is required to complete all formalities related to his/her departure being required by both the partner university and the Gdańsk Tech. They must submit full documentation required in the dean's office and the faculty, as well as to the Department of International Cooperation of Gdańsk Tech. The documents, including, in particular, the Learning Agreement with its proposed program of study, must be approved by the Erasmus+ Departmental Coordinator, Faculty Dean and Erasmus+ Coordinator of the University.

Basic required documents at the Faculty of Architecture include:

  • application form with photo,
  • transcripts of records,
  • Learning Agreement,
  • Recognition Sheet to LA,
  • request for a trip abroad.
After the Scholarship

Additional documentation is to be submitted at a partner university, depending on the individual requirements of the host university. After completion of the scholarship the student is required to submit to the Dean's Office of the Faculty of Architecture:

  • Transcript of Records from a partner university (to obtain 30 ECTS credits per semester). Any modifications to the plan of study and presented, included program must be pre-approved by the Departmental Coordinator, Dean and Erasmus +Coordinator of the University.
  • Portfolio presenting the projects and achievements of the student studies abroad on the CD. Successful completion of semester is done on the basis of the documents and portfolio. Students are held accountable, respectively, leaving for 1 semester. Immediately after the semester abroad and leaving for 2nd sem. – the annual settlement. 

In addition, after returning student is required to pass objects resulting from differences in the program according to individual arrangements with the Associate Dean for Student Affairs. The Erasmus+ report should be addressed to:

For more information about after the mobility please look at International Cooperation of Gdańsk Tech webpage. 

All Erasmus+ related e-mails send to: