Gdańsk is one of most beautiful cities to study at, especially Gdańsk University of Technology that has one of 10 top most beautiful campuses. Not only it is a great place staffed with expectional specialists to gain both knowledge and skills but it is also a great place to live it. It is not a surprise it's so often chosen as a destination of foreign students.

Although before you arrive there are some formalities that have to be done.


Your coordinator must send us your nomination. The deadlines for nominations are:

  • June 30th - for students who start in winter semester
  • December 15th for students who start in summer semester
Welcome Letter

All nominated students receive welcome letter that consists of basic informations for up


All incoming students must register in our on-line system MojaPG


if you have some doubts on how to proceed this part you can look up intruction on registration process

Learnig Agreement and Curriculum

Before you make a decision to come to study you should always acknolwedge study programme at the hosting university. You can check our curriculum at follwing website: STUDY PROGRAMME. Because our curriculum happens to change even each year please wait with preparing your Learning Agreement Before document until you receive a study programe from our Faculty International Relations Office. From Academic Year 2022/2023 we are using Online Learning Agreement system thanks to which learning agreement documents can be procceeded on-line. Before your arrival the Online Learning Agreement must be signed by you and your coordinator. In case of  any doubts regarding the curriculum please do not hesitate to reach out to our Faculty International Relations Office.