Goodbyes can be tough but we hope the instruction below will make your departure easier. 

The semester is coming to the end

You know your depature is approaching, you are looking for tickets to travler back home. This is time to start thinking on formalities to fill before you depart. First of all check if all the classes in MojaPG are matching the chosen subjects for this semester. If there is any issue please contact our Office as soon as possible. Before you plan your trip please make sure you'll participate in all final exams.

All required documents

Please make sure all your Learnign Agreement documents are signed by all parties and that they match subjects you can see in your MojaPG account. Check if you have your confirmation of stay document - it has to be signed at the end of the stay.

The last appointment

As close to your depature as possible please schedule an appointment via on-line booking system. During the appointment you'll leave your student ID and receive your confirmation of stay. The appointent has to be scheduled in advance so we have time to prepare all your documents.

Transcript of Records

Once all your grades are uploaded by professors in MojaPG system we prepare a Transcript of Records document. It is usually ready after your departure and it's sent you your coordinator and you via e-mail. If your home university requires originals please let us know and pass us information on the adress it has to be sent to.