News | The Faculty of Architecture at the Gdańsk University of Technology

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  • 2024-11-26

    Results of the Professor Gruszkowski Award

    The results of the first edition of the Professor Wiesław Gruszkowski Award for outstanding achievements in urban planning were announced on August 14, 2024. This award is an initiative of the Gdańsk branch of the Polish Urbanists’ Association (TUP) and the Faculty of Architecture of the Gdańsk University of Technology. The purpose of the award is to emphasize the importance of urban...

  • 2024-11-26

    The competition for the Minister of Development and Technology resolved

    The competition for the Minister of Development and Technology Award, announced in 2023, has been resolved. The competition concerned the best diploma theses, doctoral dissertations, and publications in the fields of architecture and construction, urban planning and spatial management, as well as housing. Among the awarded were students and academic staff from our Faculty. Awards in the...

  • 2024-11-21

    Funeral notice

    With deep sadness we inform you of the passing of the late Helena Wydra, a student of the 5th semester of Architecture, on November 13, 2024. A Holy Mass and funeral will be held on November 22 at 12:00 PM at the Church of Our Lady of Sorrows in Gdynia Orłowo. We extend our heartfelt condolences to the family and loved ones.

  • 2024-11-21

    Summary of Master Workshop: Palimpsest

    A group of our students from the faculty of architecture under the coordination of doctoral student Bahaa Bou Kalfouni and with the support of Dr Anna Rubczak participated in the Master Workshops: Palimpsest – between layers of design, history, and geography. The workshop was held by the Department of Education at NIAIU (Arch. Katarzyna Domagalska) in collaboration with the School of Form,...

  • 2024-11-08

    IV Natural Building Festival

    From November 15-17, Gdańsk will become the center of natural construction. This year's edition focuses on the topic of the Earth, not only as a planet but also as a material that can be used in the construction process. The goal is to search for answers to the question: "How to build with care for the Earth?" For three days, Gdańsk will be a place full of inspiration, lectures, workshops,...

  • 2024-11-06

    The success of a graduate student from the Faculty of Architecture

    The Diploma of the Year Award from the SARP (Polish Association of Architects) was granted to Mr. Wiktor Olszewski for his diploma thesis titled " Understanding Space, Space Understood. A Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Center Located in the Ruins of the Castle in Bodzentyn” written under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Eng. Arch. Jakub Szczepański. It is worth mentioning that Mr. Olszewski is...

  • 2024-11-05

    Thursdays in Museum of Gdańsk: Doors and gates in Gdańsk. From the Middle Ages to the Present Day

    The President of Gdańsk, Aleksandra Dulkiewicz, and the Director of the Museum of Gdańsk, Waldemar Ossowski, invite you to the promotion of the publication "Doors and gates in Gdańsk. From the Middle Ages to the Present Day". The latest publication by Dr. Katarzyna Darecka focuses on Gdańsk's doors and gates. This richly illustrated monograph is based on many years of research into the...

  • 2024-10-30

    Student from the Faculty of the Architecture awarded in two competitions

    Ms. Karolina Krużycka, a graduate of the Faculty of Architecture at Gdańsk University of Technology, has won second place in the Builder for the Future competition, organized by the educational program "Builder." The competition aims to support young architects and engineers through inspiring challenges related to the development of modern architecture and construction. This year's task,...