The subject of activities of the Department are both didactic and scientific. Academic staff prepares atractive educational offer and supports students  in choice of path to gain professional excpirience as well as gaining knowledge and social skills necessary in architect's profession.

Within the department of Urban Architecture and Waterscapes there are three cooperating studios: Waterscapes' Architecture Studio, Healthcare Architecture Studio and Parametric Design Studio.

Waterscapes Architecture Studio

The Studio deals with issues related to transformations of post-industrial waterscape areas. The academic staff of the Studio develops urban and architectureal solutions that enhance ecological and landscape values of city - including those related to water.

Healthcare Architecture Studio

The subject of the Studio's works is seeking solutions for needs of aging society and medical care. The developed solutions are implemented in designs of hospitals, rehabilitations centers and nursing homes.

Paramteric Design Studio

The Studio's works are focused on computational techniques in proccesses of design, modeling and fabrication of objects and architectural surfaces, as well as multi-criteria analysis and optimization of specific solutions. As a team, we work together on developing innovative materials as well as spatial and technical solutions that creatively push the boundaries of architecture and enrich the design workshop.