Apply for the master programmes to be opened in the summer semester 2020/2021 | The Faculty of Architecture at the Gdańsk University of Technology

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Apply for the master programmes to be opened in the summer semester 2020/2021

2 November - 14 December 2020

We cordiallly invite you to apply for the following master programmes (to be opened in the summer semester 2020/2021):

  • Architecture – programme in Polish and in English (more about the programme here)
  • Spatial development, specialisation in:
    • Urbanism – programme in English (more about the programme here)
    • Integrated coastal zone management – programme in Polish (more about the programme here)

For non-Polish citizens online registration lasts from November 2 2020 till December 14 2020. Register for the programme here.

For Polish citizens online registration will open on January 9 2021.

The summer semester 2020/2021 begins on February 22 2021.