The laboratory is equipped with a range of instruments for digitizing and digitally imaging urban areas, architectural objects, and landscapes. Focused on multidisciplinary research of architecture and landscape using digital technologies, the Laboratory's main tasks include:

- Creating 3D repositories and models of architectural and urban landscape objects using advanced digitization technologies like laser scanning and photogrammetry.
- Developing digital models for simulation environments, such as virtual and augmented reality.
- Analyzing digital data for the management and future development of historical and contemporary architecture and landscape objects, as well as urban environment quality management.
- Creating digital databases and exploring workflows in geographic and spatial data integration and interoperability.
- Utilizing digital models and applications for planning and design activities, including sustainable planning and environmental management.

The laboratory's equipment includes digital survey tools (laser scanner, drones, digital cameras, various lenses), 3D printers, virtual reality goggles, and various environmental sensors.