Gmach Główny nocą


Strategic Goals and Tasks of the Faculty

C1: Education

Improvement of the study system at the Faculty of Architecture at Gdańsk University of Technology through high-quality education, the introduction of a flexible organization of studies, and the internationalization of the Faculty's offer.

  • K1. Implementation of team design courses across all study programs in accordance with the principles defined by CDIO and KRK. Close cooperation with employers to align the knowledge and skills of graduates with economic and social needs, and to increase the offer of professional internships.
  • K2. Introduction of elite study programs linked to research for the best students, who could become the intellectual elite for the country's development.
  • K3. Expansion of the study offer with programs taught in English, supporting remote work for students, lifelong learning, and the realization of new projects in this area.
  • K4. Increasing the selection of courses across the entire University and introducing new forms, such as interdisciplinary and inter-faculty courses, as well as organizing summer schools for students and doctoral candidates.
  • K5. Obtaining national and international certifications for all types of study programs offered and attracting a larger number of international students to promote the internationalization of the University.
C2: Research

Introduction of mechanisms to support the development of research, the scientific development of academic staff, and the increase in the effectiveness of doctoral studies, to improve the Faculty's position in the parametric evaluation.

  • B1. Development of strong research teams securing national and international grants in priority areas of science and industry. Keeping records of research laboratories and establishing rules for their operation and potential use by other teams, including those outside the university.
  • B2. Supporting actions aimed at preparing ambitious projects of significant importance for the economy and securing additional funding through the principles of open science.
  • B3. Establishing a personnel policy that supports scientific and artistic development.
  • B4. Introducing incentives for staff to actively pursue academic degrees and titles.
  • B5. Development of doctoral studies, ensuring the flexibility of study programs, and attracting international doctoral candidates.
C3: Innovation

Creating favorable conditions for innovation and utilizing innovative solutions for the development of the Faculty, the University, and the region.

  • I1. Creation of a motivational system promoting the involvement of staff, doctoral candidates, and students in innovative activities.
  • I2. Organizational support for Gdańsk University of Technology staff applying for funding for innovative research and undertaking the commercialization of research results.
  • I3. Shaping pro-innovation attitudes by encouraging staff to participate in training and consultancy in the fields of entrepreneurship, communication, leadership, project management, intellectual property, basics of entrepreneurship, etc.
  • I4. Securing external funding for activities related to the development of innovation.
  • I5. Active participation of the Faculty in creating a regional innovation system through close cooperation with innovation support centers – technology parks, business incubators, etc.
C4: Organization and Management

Aligning the organizational structure to efficiently implement strategic tasks and effectively manage the Faculty’s resources to ensure high effectiveness in achieving the set goals.

  • O1. University Organization: Modification of the university's organizational structure to simplify it and clearly present the relationships and responsibilities of individual people and organizational units. Introduction of a coherent system for creating and abolishing legal acts and integration with the management control system.
  • O2. University Organization: Implementation of a new financial settlement model and the valuation of research and teaching activities to increase the economic efficiency of the university's operations.
  • O3. University Organization: Development of career paths and employment forms for all staff groups to more effectively utilize human capital.
  • O4. Efficient use and development of available Faculty resources, proper distribution, and coordination of actions to minimize costs.
  • O5. Possible creation of teams for preparing new solutions and executive teams for their implementation in the case of highly complex and interdisciplinary activities.
C5: Quality

Implementation of pro-quality tasks that significantly impact the development opportunities of the Faculty.

  • J1. Development and implementation of a quality system in the main areas of the Faculty's activities, including the consolidation of the internal quality assurance system for education and the effectiveness of its operation.
  • J2. Considering the opinions of employers to modify the curriculum and improve the adaptation of graduates to the labor market requirements.
  • J3. Assisting the University authorities in developing a system for employee evaluation and a flexible incentive system linked to the efficiency and quality of work across all positions at the University.
  • J4. Preparing selected laboratories to obtain quality certifications and preparing the Faculty for international certification.
  • J5. Preparation and implementation of pro-quality competitions – for the best students, doctoral candidates, graduates, young researchers, best research teams, best supervisors, and best lecturers.
C6: Development

Implementation of mechanisms to ensure the development of the Faculty in all key areas of activity, depending on its current state and external conditions.

  • R1. Development of a program of actions aimed at the sustainable development of all units of the Faculty.
  • R2. Utilization of the e-Politechnika system to increase functionality and efficiency, improve management, optimize infrastructure usage, and facilitate teamwork.
  • R3. Securing funding for the development of the Faculty's research, teaching potential, and infrastructure.
  • R4. Proper information policy that objectively presents the state of development and plans of the Faculty, as well as actions aimed at improving the University's position in national and international rankings.
  • R5. Using the Faculty Council's opinions to set the main directions of action, especially in relation to external entities, and to initiate new actions for the development and enhancement of the Faculty's prestige.
C7: Cooperation

Development of forms of inter-faculty cooperation to ensure the coherence of the University's activities and external cooperation, for recognition in the business environment and on the international stage.

  • W1. Assisting the University authorities in developing model forms of inter-faculty cooperation (interdisciplinary teams) and cooperation with other universities and the business environment (consortia).
  • W2. Assisting the University authorities in building strategic partnerships with key business partners in the region and internationally.
  • W3. Verification and improvement of the principles for preparing, implementing, and ensuring the sustainability of projects carried out at the Faculty and inter-faculty projects.
  • W4. Assisting the University authorities in preparing and managing project proposals at the university level, as well as key ones within the Gdańsk Knowledge Triangle, WIT, and other university initiatives, both national and international.
  • W5. Assisting the University authorities in creating mechanisms for technology transfer and commercialization of research results through special purpose companies and spin-off entities.