Gmach Główny nocą

Goals of the Faculty


Improvement of the study system at the Faculty of Architecture through high quality education, introduction of flexible organization of studies and internationalization of educational offer of the Faculty.


Introduction of mechanisms supporting the development of research, scientific development of academic teachers and increasing the effectiveness of doctoral studies in order to improve the position of the Faculty in the parametric evaluation.


Creating favourable conditions for innovation and use of innovative solutions for development of the Faculty, University and the region.

Organization and Management

Adapting the organizational structure to effectively carry out strategic goals of the Faculty and its effective management, in order to ensure high efficiency in achieving objectives.


The implementation of pro-quality improvements, significantly enriching its development potential.


The implementation of mechanisms ensuring development of the Faculty in all basic types of activities depending on its current state and the external environment determinants.


Development of interdepartmental and interinstitutional cooperation within the Faculty and the University in order to ensure the coherence of the institution. External collaboration on the national and international level for the recognition in the economic environment and in the international arena.