Architect, monument conservator, architectural historian. An expert on Gdańsk, he participated in the reconstruction of the city after the Second World War.
Member of the Faculty of Architecture, Gdańsk Tech, since 1951.
From 1965 to 1969 Vice-dean for Scientific Research of the Faculty of Architecture, Gdańsk Tech.
From 1968 Head of the Department of History of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture, Gdańsk Tech.
Lecturer at the Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning at the Łódz University of Technology (1975-82).
A member of Polish and international scientific and professional societies, including:
- Association of Polish Architects SARP (Wybrzeże Branch)
- Association of Polish Town Planners
- Committee of Architecture and Urban Planning of the Polish Academy of Sciences
- Gdańsk Scientific Society
- Society of Friends of Sopot
- ICOMOS (Rome)
- European Cathedrals Association (Milan)
Founding member of the Association of Monument Conservators.
He graduated from the Faculty of Architecture, Gdańsk Tech, in 1950. He received his PhD degree in 1961 and his Doctor of Science degree in 1963. He obtained the academic Title of Professor in 1977.
Author of numerous scientific publications, including:
- Stankiewicz J., Massalski R. (1969): Rozwój urbanistyczny i architektoniczny Gdańska [in:] Gdańsk, jego dzieje i kultura, Arkady, Warszawa
- Stankiewicz J. (1966): Ze studiów nad fortyfikacjami pruskimi na ziemiach polskich [in:] Studia i Materiały do Historii Wojskowości, vol.12 part 1
- Stankiewicz J. (1962): Kartuzja Gdańska. Dzieje rozwoju układu przestrzennego Kartuz oraz kartuskiego zespołu klasztornego, Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Gdańskie, no. 30, Architektura z. 2
- Stankiewicz J. (1955): Strakowscy – fortyfikatorzy, architekci i budowniczowie gdańscy, Ossolineum, Gdańsk
- Stankiewicz J., Szermer B. (1959): Gdańsk. Rozwój urbanistyczny i architektoniczny oraz powstanie zespołu Gdańsk-Sopot-Gdynia, Arkady, Warszawa
Winner of the awards, among others:
- Award of the Minister of Higher Education (1964)
- Award of the Division IV (Engineering Sciences) of the Polish Academy of Sciences (1970)
- Award of the City of Gdańsk (1973)
- Award of the Gdańsk Voivod (1974)
- Award of the Minister of Culture and Art (1985)
- Award of the Mayor of the City of Gdańsk (1986)
He was awarded, among others:
- Golden Cross of Merit (1970)
- Knight's Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta (1979)
- Medal of the National Education Commission (1978)
- Medal for Merits to Gdańsk (1965)
- Golden Badge "For the Protection of Monuments"
- Golden Badge of the Association of Polish Architects (SARP) (1988)
His name was given in 1997 to the School of Municipal Construction in Gdańsk, while in 2000 the Gdańsk branches of the Association of Monument Conservators, the Association of Art Historians and the Section of Art Conservators at the Association of Polish Visual Artists established the Jerzy Stankiewicz Award for best achievements and conservation projects in the Pomeranian Voivodeship. Professor Jerzy Stankiewicz is also the patron of the Gdansk tram number 1021.